Sabtu, 27 September 2014

Anggiasti Rayung Wigati

The name’s Anggiasti Rayung Wigati and I was born under the Sun. Not literally under the sun, of course. I mean, I’m a Leo, and people with said zodiac are associated with the Sun. Either way, I’m born on 23rd of July 1998, as the second and last child of the family. Personally, I think the closest person to me so far is my mom.
When I was still a baby I was utterly frail. Perhaps it’s the effects of being born prematurely. I was quiet and irritable, but by the time I went to kindergarten I was really talkative. Also, I had a hobby of singing in a public place, anywhere that may be. I was still irritable, though. I had a tendency to lash out easily, as far as to run away from home, thrice!
It all changed the moment I stepped into the world as a six year-old elementary student. I enrolled in Sekolah Mentari Citra, later known as Mentari International School Bintaro. There, I was part of the very first batch of students! There was only one grade level, consisted of two classes with 12 students in each class. On the first day of school I had this one ugly thought that was, since friends aren’t family members, since they aren’t blood related, I don’t have to talk to them. I was an extremely shy student ever since.
I’ve had friends, sure, but most of them leave me when they got what they needed from me, though not out of hate. Rather, they needed someone who listens, however they’re unwilling to do the same thing vice versa. It was when I was a sixth-grader that I thought, having a best friend in high school isn’t mandatory anyway, so I’d rather not stress about it.
I stayed at MISB for grade 7-9. Junior high was an interesting journey to begin with. There were plenty of new friends who moved in from other schools. There I joined a group of friends whom I feel comfortable with for the first time. The teachers were also very nice, both elementary and high school teachers. They understand each and every student’s capabilities and needs. They also encouraged the students to speak their minds and ideas.

The thing I like about MISB is that it provides a safe environment for its students, something that I didn’t get the moment I transferred to SMA Labschool Kebayoran for senior high in 2013. Not that it’s a bad thing! Rather, both have the positives and negatives in it. In Labsky I realized that the place I’m living in isn’t all pretty and safe, therefore I have to fight for myself to get what I want. I also learned how to adapt to different surroundings and situations. Here, the way I befriend people is different from back in junior high.Both schools play a very, very important role in my life, and I daresay I am extremely lucky to have such an experience. 

Jumat, 26 September 2014

Raissa Mauly Basmine

I was born in Mataram, Lombok on the 21st of july 1999. Born given the name Raissa Mauly Basmine. I like the way my name sounded. Basmine was a combination of my parent’s name, Bastoni Purnama and Mince Purnama. Raissa supposedly meant roses, but i don’t know for sure (there’s a lot of meanings to it. Including ‘carefree women’ which i don’t deny).
Anyways, i grew up constantly moving from one place to another (pretty nomadic). I spent the first three years of my childhood in Lombok. I had an awesome childhood. My parents took me to lots of cool trips, we went to the beach a lot. It’s why i like spending time in water so much. I absolutely love snorkeling and anything that involves the ocean. Also travelling, food, and art too. I adore it very much so.
 I was very mischievous and prankish as a child. I think it’s because mostly my friends are boys. I never really liked playing with girls back then. I play with my dolls differently than with how they do it. They play ‘pretend wifes and family’, i like to play a fight scene that involves power rangers, hot wheels, and dinosaurs. And they don’t really like me that much either. I remember having a fight with one girl, we pulled on each other’s hair. Also, I used to push people off the swing sets because they wont take turns with me. Yeah, i had a little bit of an anarchist streak. But anyways, still an awesome childhood.
After three years living in Lombok, i moved in to the big city, Jakarta. I remember being so awestruck seeing lots of tall buildings. Also the first time i went to Ancol. The condition was totally different with the beaches in Lombok, which is clearly far more beautiful. Even back then when the water was still pretty clear, Ancol is still beaten by many. People of Jakarta is so careless about their environment. If only they took more care of what they have, Jakarta could’ve been way better.
So i started my play group days here in Jakarta. I used to live in the west part of Jakarta, at Slipi. My house back then was small and simple, very different with what i have now. Everyday my mom would take me to the play group by foot, since it was near my house. I really like play group. All you do is just play, eat, and repeat. I wish life was still that easy.
Give or take a year and a half, i had to move away again. This time i moved to Lampung, South Sumatra. Lampung was like 180 degrees different than Jakarta. It is literally a village kind of scenery there. The house was much bigger than my house back in Slipi, it was my grandma’s house. I was pretty awkward at socializing  there because majority of the kids are much older. But everyone was really nice to me and always asks me to join their games. I also developed my hobby for cooking there. During lebaran days, my grandmother would teach me how to bake cookies. Often all i do is just messing things up, and eating the cookie batter. But i helped molding the cookies into shapes and sprinkled some chocochips on top.
Overall, everything was fun. But i started getting bored being alone all the time. My grandma or my parents was the only ones to keep me company. My mom noticed this, so that’s when she started asking me if i wanted a sister. And i was jumping for joy. So after some months, my mom announced that she was pregnant. I was so jittery and anxious about it even though it was my mom that’s pregnant, not me. I keep on pleading with my mom that it has to be girl. Because i always thought that having a girl younger sister would be cool. I imagined that when she’s older we could share our stuff together (which we did up until now). I was so awed with my sister the first time i see her. I went gushing over her, i thought she was so cute and tiny. So my parents decided to name her Alya Alania Basmine, back then i thought the name was ugly. I wanted to name her Robi, stupid little me thought that name was so cool. It’s not even a girl’s name. Sometimes i wanted to slap myself everytime i remember stupid things i did back when i’m a kid.
After some time, we moved back to Jakarta. This is where i start my primary school. This time we lived in the house i’m living in now. Much bigger and spacier, my house has two stories. Back when we just moved in, my room was in the first floor. I grew up here having lots of different pets. I love animals. I used to want to be a vet when i’m older. I had owned tons of different animals, constantly changing because they die of my lack of caring skills. Squirell, rabbits, cats, fishes, turtles, hamsters, even frogs.
Primary school was fun times. I’m so enthusiast about studying, back then when every subject was a total piece of cake. Believe it or not but my favorite subject was science and math (ofcourse, back in primary school). Sure, when learning math the first time i got really frustrated, but it gets exciting when you get the hang of it (why i never felt like that anymore now is beyond me). Science was fun to me because i love learning facts about the nature that i never know of before. I grew a hobby in painting and drawing too. Its basically all i do when i’ve got nothing to do. I enjoy drawing or painting landscapes and portraits of people. I never took any lessons though my parents suggested me to. And i should say that i’m pretty good for someone who self taught (boasting).
Overall, primary school was great. We went to lots of fieldtrips, outingclass, and most people was nice. I eventually got to the sixth grade as the time flows by. And that is when hell is raised.
As i got to the sixth grade, my days was filled with try outs and preparations for national exam. I was exhausted and anxious about facing the national exam. It got me wondering why do we have to pass it to graduate. To me, someone’s ability is not to be judged by numbers. Me and my friends were scared. I think its because it is different from any other exams we did. But then national exam passed like a breeze, and it wasn’t as difficult as my expectations. I passed with a statisfying results.
 It now comes to the part where I have no idea where to go for middle school. My friends were already signing up for many different prestigious schools. Some were even already registered in their new school. My mom was puzzled, because i haven’t signed up for any school, and i also don’t know where i want to go. So my parents decided that i will get registered in Al-Azhar Syifa Budi again. And i didn’t refuse because i don’t know what school to suggest to them either. So then i got accepted there and turns out many of my friend are there. I quite enjoy middle school. I even got the acceleration class, so i only spend two years of middle school (which explains why i was a year younger than everybody in highschool). I expected that acceleration class would be a total burden, but honestly it is way easier than i thought it would be. My class had a lot of free times, and we mostly study by ourselves. After school me and my friends would hang out somewhere (since our school was in the area of kemang we had a lot of hang out spots). And we didn’t get overly lots of homework so after school i could sleep early.
 I already thought it all out that when i’m in highschool i will choose the science field, because i want to get on the architecture major as soon as i graduate. So when i got accepted at SMA Labschool Kebayoran, i was dying to get in the science major. Turns out i got in the social field. I was really lost at first, I don’t know what i’ll do, i don’t what major to choose for college. But now i realize that social field is a good descision made. I know that i wouldn’t make it in the science field.
So highschool was pretty rad to say the least. I had experienced pesantren, observation trip, bintama, and participated in the rohis community and palabsky. Labschool was great, they have lots of activities that really helped me out building my discipline, teached me to be strong and to never give up facing anything. This activities also made me learn how to be a leader, how to listen and respect other people, to be more mature and independent. Labschool teached me what real life is like. Life is rough, but if it’s easy then you’ll never grow up and learn something. I had experienced my downfall and uprising here in Labschool Kebayoran, and i still have a long way to go.

Selasa, 23 September 2014

Catur Dewana Putra

My name is Catur Dewana Putra. They usually call me Catur, I was born in Palembang 14th of August 1998. I used to live in Palembang. I live in that beautiful city for 15 years. I lived with my family, they are my mother my father and my three older brothers. the first one is Aditya Kertanugraha, he is my naughtiest brother. He always kicks a ball to my face. but he gave me a good life lessons, one of them is not to hurt a women physically. my second brother is Hangga Dwi Kencana, he always care to his brothers. he is the kindest brother. and the last is Triandra Wiratama, I never be good to him. because we fight a lot. but he always protect me when I’m in trouble. for example, theree once a guy that want to hurt me, and Andra came with his big body to protect me. 
my live is very happy, until my parents divorced. my father said that my mom can take all the money they got, but she had to take care of their children. after they got divorced, my father went to Jakarta and live with my grandmother. and then I met my step father. he is actually a kind guy, but sometimes he got angry for mo reason. we went to Hong Kong for new year holiday. it  was the best holiday I ever been to. because its the first time I went to another country for holiday. in 2013 I went to Kusuma Bangsa high school in Palembang. it was the best school in town. one year later i have to move to Jakarta. and I must leave my friends in Palembang, it was so sad that time. we have been together for four years. now i went to Labschool Kebayoran high school, and I met new friends here. I think they will be kind to me, because I love them. I will try to be better than I before in the previous day with a better school.

Minggu, 21 September 2014

Rayhan Alfatta

As the title says, my name is Rayhan Alfatta. I was born in the 25th of September 1997 in Jakarta. People have asked me why I didn’t join that year’s education age group; my mother always says that the government didn’t allow children born during the last half of the year to join. Probably for reasons I will never know. I have two older sisters; both are married and I already have nephews. The age difference between me and my second sister is 12 years and about 16 years difference to my eldest. This often becomes a very interesting conversational topic: but I’m afraid I don’t have all the answers.
I enrolled at Bakti Mulya 400 for my Playgroup and Elementary years. The school itself wasn’t very far from my home; only about 70-ish meters from the front gate of my house. People often comment that I was an antisocial loner during those years, it was probably because I was introduced to video games a little too early. When the other kids play soccer, I can be found in the library, digging into a book. Of course, being an avid reader has its perks; I was considered to be amongst the smartest boys in my age group. Also, when the national exam results came, I was ranked fourth highest scoring in all of my age group. Perhaps it’s nothing to boast about, but hey, considering all the other boys ranked 15 and above at least it counts as an achievement of sorts.
There really isn’t anything special during my elementary years. I never fell in love with anybody since I never actively look towards such things. I was also quite picky about the friends I choose to be around with, and I sometimes hated the teachers. There was one incident when a teacher humiliated me in front of the class. It was immediately followed by a shoe to his head. Yes, I threw that shoe. I was very temperamental. My parents were called to the principal’s office for that. They only said that I behave well at home and if I misbehave at school then it’s the teacher’s problem, not theirs (this is why I love my parents).
My secondary school years can be considered to be some of my best years. I joined an international school, Jakarta International Multicultural School, after being rejected from HighScope (they said it was due to lack of creativity and my-then-rigid and temperamental personality). Still, studying at JIMS was the reason I can write English so well; the students are always given 2500 word essays to do every week. Studying there also softened my tempers until I was less prone to outbursts. The teachers there were very supportive and friendly. My interest in drawing also grew during my time at JIMS. Probably because the art teachers there know more than just drawing fruits and mountains with a sun in the middle.
At the middle of my 8th grade I joined a school-funded tour to Medan, Sumatra. It was quite memorable, being that it is my first experience travelling afar without my family. We travelled around Sumatra for 5 days, even staying at a lakeside hotel next to Lake Toba.
In JIMS, we had yearly drama plays, I didn’t join the dramas until I was at year 8. The story this time was Lion King. After the auditions I was chosen to be the main villain, Scar. The practice sessions lasted an entire semester. By the end of it, though, it was hailed as a success. Unbelievably, everyone said that I was the best actor amongst the entire cast.
The drama I truly enjoyed, however, was the one I performed in year 9. This time, it was Oliver Twist. Again, I played the role of an antagonist, albeit secondary, named Fagin, an elderly thief. This one had far more actors, a far longer duration and a very complex story. The practice sessions lasted an entire year and again, it was a success. And again, the best actor award goes to me for performing a 6-minute song solo on stage (while dancing).
That just about wraps up most of the interesting experiences I had in JIMS. After the national exams, I no longer need to go to school while waiting for the new Labschool term to start since I already registered and I am already accepted into Labschool. So, after a 3 month holiday, begins the new term in Labschool.
Labschool was worlds different than JIMS, for one, the curriculum is literally worlds apart. There is absolutely no similarity to the subjects I studied in JIMS. So, the first semester was a constant struggle to get grades better than a 7. This struggle continued until the beginning of the second semester, that was when I began catching up with the curriculum.
There were memorable events during the first year in Labschool. Both required me to be bald. The first one was the so-called “Organization Trip” to a village in Purwakarta. The trip was quite fun, even though our legs were aching after long hikes across mountains and rivers.
The second one is Bintama, the military training trip to Serang, Banten. The experience there was beyond exhausting. There is no more than four hours’ rest every day. Thankfully, food was plentiful and adequate. This is one trip that I hope I will never have to repeat.
In 19th August 2014, I and a bunch of other students went to Europe for a trip called “Culture Mission”. The trip is supposed to share Indonesian Culture to the rest of the world. This is my current longest trip spent without my family abroad; spanning 21 days away from Indonesia. Before the trip, I and the others s had to practice the traditional dances and master the musical instruments in order to compete with the other countries that will be present at the festival. Also, the other participants weren’t amateurs like us, they were full-fledged professionals. This, I think, was the most memorable experience in Labschool so far.

So, I suppose that concludes the interesting events of my life so far. This reads more like a story, doesn’t it? I hope it doesn’t get too boring.

Kamis, 18 September 2014

Harumi Kendakawangi Puspagina Kusuma Winahyu Dhira Wigata

My name is Harumi Kendakawangi Puspagina Kusuma Winahyu Dhiwi, I was born on 28th September 1998 in Batu City, Malang. The reason why my grandmother gave me this name because she hoped that I live well. I have three brothers and one sister. Their names are Iman Pramesti Jalu, Sukmoro Dhirabrata, Sabdo Aji Kisuma Warih Jalu Sajiwo, Abbiyu Daffa Jalu Yaffi and Ataya Azalia Kusuma Harmani. I am the second child of my mother and my father. I have a beautiful mother name Fibri Utari Istandyah Suharpeni and an amazing father named Imam Sugianto.  We live in bintaro sector 9, South Tangerang. When I was little, my family and I always moved from one town to another because of my father’s work.
My oldest brother was born on 30th august 1996 in Mempawah, Pontianak. He is a very  caring brother for his younger brother and sister, and he is very protective towards us. Like when I was in 4th grade I accidentally broke my leg in the evening I was crying so hard then my brother came out and helped me. He then took me to the hospital immediately. He waited for me in the ICU until my mother and father came. When my younger brother named Daffa was in 1st grade, I accidentally pushed him into the sharped part of the stairs, his head hurted so badly and he has four stitches. I was very sad so I hide from my mother. When my mother took him to the hospital he tell my mother that I was the one who pushed him, when my mother and Daffa arrived home I was called by my mother and I was interrogated by her. It was one of my bad experience of my life.

I entered Nineteen Junior High School and my first friend in there was so annoying, I don’t like my junior high school’s life because they were just so annoying to me. Just because I was a transferred student they act like I was nobody. But when I graduated from junior high school, everybody was looking for me because they took advantaged of me, but I don’t care about them anymore because it was all in the past. Now I entered Labschool Senior High School I met my bestfriend Venia and Emily, they’re so nice to me. When I was sad they’re always there for me, I really loved them so much even though sometimes they act like a beezch I just love them with all my heart.


Rabu, 17 September 2014

Karina Nasywa Bakri

Hello! My name’s Karina Nasywa Bakri. People call me Karin, Rin, Nasywa, but never Bakri for some reason.  I was born on November 8th 1998 in the city that is known as the Paris of Java, which is.. Bandung. Afew days after I was born, I moved to Jakarta. I went to preschool and I lived in a simple house with my parents. My father was an architect and a very talented jokester. He used to study in Europe, that’s why he’s the reason why I’m really interested to study abroad. My mother was a gentle lady, she’s very busy but she always managed to be with her children.
When I was at kindergarten, I was introduced to the world of music. Luckily my aunt was a piano teacher and I loved to play the piano at her house. My parents saw me playing and they signed me up for piano classes. And I still take them, until now.
I was a very boyish girl back in kindergarten, I love to play soccer at the park and wrestle with the boys. I had really short hair and I love to wear my AC Milan jersey everywhere. Once, there was this performance from my school and all the girls did ballet and I did a Betawi dance with the boys and it was very funny haha.
After kindergarten, I moved back to Bandung for elementary school. When I was little,  I was obsessed with horses and I can’t go to Bandung without riding one. So when I moved there, I joined an equestrian club and I joined several competitions when I was 7 years old. But I stopped when I was 10 years old. Elementary school was also the time where I listened to bands like Peterpan, Radja, Project pop, etc. And I listened to them over and over again and that’s where I learned about pop music. And I was also interested in art at that time, I kept saying I want to be an artist and I draw everyday and took courses once in a while. The only sports I did at that time was swimming. Ever since I stopped riding, I swim with my friends, my family, and I joined competitions as well. I was a very competitive person back in elementary school believe me haha. I finished elementary school with pleasant grades and I got  a laptop from my father. My very first personal laptop, yay!
I chose one of the best junior high school in Bandung, SMP Taruna Bakti. At first I wanted to go to public school but then I didn’t got in. And when I took the test to my junior high school, I got accepted. My first friend in junior high was Lita, because she was as crazy as I am and we were in the same group on the orientation day. And I was placed in class 7A. I was very lazy in seventh grade but one thing cheered me up, music class. It was very fun and we get to sing together and make songs it was very great and I enjoyed it. I started my first band too, it was called Spotlight. And we performed at the art event and that’s the first time I enjoyed performing.  Unfortunately me and my friends didn’t continue with the band.
The great downfall of my life would be this one. It was at the beginning of the 2nd semester and my father has been staying in the hospital for around 6 months. And I didn’t expect this at all, but my father passed away  on January 2010. I was very sad and I was very close to my father. Then it was diagnosed that my father’s death is because of a lung cancer. Before he died, I think he knew what was going to happen. So he asked me a question. If my father is all healthy again, what do I want?. I said that I wanted to go to Europe, and visit Paris. He promised.
Funny how things work, a month after my father passed away, I was offered an international program to Germany. I got to stay at a host family for a month and guess where I’m going for my side-trip? That’s right, Paris.
I enjoyed my time in Germany, and I met my father’s friends. They were very friendly and they accompanied me to see the spots where my father used to hang out, the university he went to, and they even took me to go to his old apartment. It was very great and I get to see the places where my father used to go. Now, I understand why he loved Germany so much, and I might go back there.
After the trip, I continued with my school and I became really interested in Japanese culture. I joined a band that plays mainly japanese songs. And that improved my piano skills and I also did cosplay and I went to events with my team.
Finally, I went through the final exam and I graduated junior high yeay. Because my mom found a job in Jakarta, so we moved. At first I really don’t want to move. In my head, I can imagine Jakarta as a city with hot temperature and traffic everywhere. But that image changed quickly as I started to live in this big city.
I applied to SMA Labschool Kebayoran because my first option was too far from my house. And I remembered that there was a Labschool too back in Bandung so that’s why I applied. At first I was very shocked that it’s kind of like a strict school, where you have to eat fast and all but then I managed to just go with it. I was placed in the social class and I met awesome friends as well.  I am a part of Tridasa Adhikari Atmamatra or you can call it the class of 2016. High school was very fun but exhausting. Suddenly, the curricullum changed and it blew my mind. And I also joined a percussion community at school called Lamuru. I never thought that I’m lucky to play the percussion because all my life I was playing the piano and the guitar. But it was a great escape from all the things going on with school. I really enjoyed performing with them and I feel that it’s a privilege to be a part of something so special. Then, I went through the qualifications to be one of the student council members and I succeeded. I became a part of the Publikasi & Dokumentasi.

Up to this day, I am very happy with my life even though it’s ridiculously exhausting but that’s how the real world is like. All I do is just face the problems one by one and take it easy. There’s nothing to rush (well except for tests and assignments and stuff). I hope I can go to the university I want. And go abroad to study, to work, to travel, and it’s my life, so yeah.

Aditya Imansyah Ismawan

Hello my name is Aditya Imansyah Ismawan as you can see the title. Most of my friends call me Adit. I was born in Jakarta,26th of April 1998. I was born in Bunda hospital. My mother’s name is Femmy Nazar and my father’s name is Ismawan Pamudji. They were married in the 6th of July 1997. I have one brother, his name is Farhan Maulana Ismawan he’s in 47 high school located in Tanah Kusir. He was born in 19th of June 2000. I also have one dog called Stanley he’s joining our family in the mid of 2008 so its almost 5 he’s joining our small family.

My hobby is playing the piano and doing some stalking on the aircraft. I really enjoy seeing aircraft on the internet or even real live. I wish I could be a pilot some day or maybe a person that has to travel a lot for his job. I really enjoy playing the piano. For me playing the piano gives a relaxation to my mind. So when ever I was stress full I play the piano.

I go to Fantasia kindergarten and preschool. That is a preschool made by my Grandmother in 1988, 10 years before I was born. It was actually a hair and beauty salon. Because of my grandma really likes children she make that salon to a kindergarten and preschool called Fantasia. I studied there for 4 years.

At 2003 I go for an elementary school. My elementary school is at Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Jakarta. That is located in the Kemang area. My first bestfriend is Nafandra Syabana Lubis. Usually people called him Anaf. My other best friend is Ahmad Farhan Sarasin the call him Farhan. Anaf is really smart at science, math and also language. While Farhan is smart at playing the piano and other instrument while me? I think I’m the dumbest one hahaha. I spent 6 years in Al-Azhar. Well you can say that I’m active. Because I join the PASKIBRA and the music ensemble of my school. Lots of use my team. Starting from the school event until UNESCO event.

At the end of my 6th grade I did a test on SMP Labschool Kebayoran. And thank god I past the test. I go to SMP Labschool Kebayoran for my junior high school. I go to Labschool Kebayoran because its just a 5 minutes walk from my house and I hear it’s has a nice teacher and education. I go there with Anaf while Farhan goes to SMA Karisma Bangsa. I spent 3 years of struggling to get good scores. Because junior high school life is very much different from elementary.

My most struggling part of Junior high school is near the national exam. It was really hard and exhausting. I studied every night get up early sleep late. Personal teacher everyday including Sunday and Saturday. Yeah it’s a tuff year for me. In the 9th grader I do a test for SMA Labschool kebayoran. Lots of things happened in my high school. Including Cultural mission in Katowice Polandia for three weeks. Its an unforgettable trip for me.

Herni Wisnumurti Hajar

My name Herni Wisnumurti, you can call me Herni. I was born in Bogor, October 15, 1998. I lived with my family in Depok. My parents have two children. I have one brother, his name is Erdani. I am currently going to school in Kebayoran Labschool.

I entered kindergarten at 4 years old. In kindergarten, I've fallen off a motorcycle with my mother. Then when I was 5 years old, my grandfather died. And when my grandfather covered his face with a shroud, I was crying. Then I was elementary school, when I was 6 years of age. When elementary school, I joined the marching band. Then when I was in 6th grade, my grandmother died. Strangely, the day after my grandmother died, I was sick.

When I was 11 years of age, I entered junior high school. The most junior high I do not like, I've been betrayed by my own best friend. But it was already past, so I've forgotten. When I was junior high, any increase in class, I was ill. In my opinion, only a few junior events of interest.

Well! Now I've been in high school. As I entered high school, I was 14 years old. I first entered high school, I did not know anyone. Long enough to know others. In high school many interesting experiences. In fact, I think I want "BINTAMA" once again. But surely there are events that make sad. For example, when I did not pass the TPO. At that time I was pretty sad and upset, but that's okay, there may still be a chance another time. By the way, I still like to wear a bag on my national exam, elementary school.

Intan Kurniawati

My name is Intan Kurniawati. I usually call intan. I am a girl who was born in jakarta.
On 16 years ago, when Indonesia got a conflict on may 15.
Two days ahead i was born. With a little body, i was brought to baby room for stabile the temperature. My temperature was so cold. And my weight is 2,6 kg. I always crying when my mother calling me to take a bath. As a first daughter of Agus Martono and Endang Rustiani. Intan means diamond, Kurniawati means gift from our god. I have 1 half brother and 1 half sister. My half brother name yudha. My half sister name dewi. They are stayed in Pontianak. I was sick diarrhea on 1st years old. I'm stay in Harapan Kita's hospital for 7 days. Ever since that time, i always sick and sick every years.

2004, i graduated from kindergarten at ketilang, ciputat. The school near by my junior high school and elementary school, Madrasah Pembangunan. And i win many competition. Kartini's fashion show, praying, shalat, traditional dance, adzan, speech, and many more. But, i feel so scared, because my friends was bullied me. All of my emotion was so badly. Lazy and get easier angry make me feel so lonely. All of my friends didn't know what should i do.

 on 2010 I was win a writting essay competition at FTUI. Our finalist invited, and i have a persian cat at the same time. Her name is jimbo and pussy. I like economics lesson, and i want to be an entrepeneur. Restaurant, factory outlet, some product, and many more.
I have a bad daily life when i 14 years old. The 2nd class was make me so depressed. My first love are my classmates. His name was arya. We broke up when i got a appendix surgeon. I'm crying and always crying after that. He got a new girlfriend. And something special is his girlfriend is my bestfriend.
My senior high school is labschool kebayoran. There are so many experience in here. Bintama, to, pilar, lampion, mos make me feel confidence with the other people. Yeah my english language not so good, but this is my story.
The identity crisis was make me got many lesson. I try to understand that our life was so hard.

Ananta Cahya Adhikara

My Moment
My name is Ananta Cahya Adhikara I was born in Jakarta, 21st september 1998,i live in Taman Rempoa Indah Bog G number 6, i was a third child of 3 brother. I have two sister, my first sister have a job as an arcitec and my second sister have collage at trisakti university. My father have a job in the mine in Kalimantan, my mother is a housewife.
Now i am studying at Labschool Kebayoran senior high school, this year is my second years at this school, i meet with new kind of friends than i meet at junior high school. My junior high school is eleven junior high school, that is not far from my senior high school. My first year in senior high school i have a bad years because i feel need adjustment from junior high school lesson to senior high school lesson but my friends and my teacher help me past that time, i have elementary school at Harapan Ibu elementary school, when i am an elementary student i don’t have special story. When i past senior high school i want to attend college in Indonesian University and i want to take faculty of law.
I have a hobby my hobby is photography and play soccer, my favorite soccer team is chelsea, my favorite movie is transformers, i like action movie but i very don’t like horror movie, i like adventure movie. And the last my favorite game is assasin creed

Dirsa Deandaru

My name is Dirsa Deandaru Said. I’m 16 years old. I live in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. I’m a student at SMA Lab School Kebayoran. I have an older sister, her name is Demira Kania Sasdira. She is 17 years old. She is currently studying Law in Universitas Indonesia. She likes reading, writing a novel, and those kinds of stuff. Both my parents are lawyers. They have their own Law Firm. I in the other hand, have a slightly different hobby. Rather than focusing studying about law, I love racing.

I got interested in racing in 2007. My parents took me to Sentul race track to watch a go-kart race. And then I saw some of my school friends from Al-Izhar. They were about 5 years older than me. I saw them racing that day, and then I got interested in racing karts. So after that day, I began practicing go-karts at some go-kart renting places. I practiced diligently and after a few months, my parents bought me my own go-kart. Every Sunday I went to Sentul Karting Race Track to practice. Then I competed in the National Karting Championship for the first time. The championship was held for about 6 rounds each year. I only participated in 1 round that was held in Sentul. I got so many experiences from it. Then in 2008 I got recruited in Djakarta Theater Racing Team.

My team gave me a new competitive race kart. It felt a lot better and faster than my old kart. After practicing hard and adapting to my new kart, I went to compete in the National Karting Championship full round. I won 1st place in every race and finally got the tittle as the 2008 National Champion. In the following year I didn’t participate much in the national championship because I had to focus studying for my primary school national exams. I only raced 2 rounds for the national championship but still I managed to finish the season in 3rd place in the national point standings. But in same year I also got invited to compete in the 2009 Red White Sangari Invitational Kart Prix that was held in Sepang, Malaysia. It was World Karting Grand Prix. So in 2009 I went to Sepang, Malaysia to race go-karts outside Indonesia for my first time and I’m representing Indonesia in that event. There were more than 400 racers that competed in that grand prix. In my class there were about 40 racers from all around the world. I started the race from 18th position. The European and Brazilian drivers are starting from the front row. It was very rainy that time so it was a wet race. The track was very slippery. There were so many crashes during the race and in the end I ended up finishing in 20th position. I was disappointed at first because I didn’t win the race but then I got over it because I realized that not all racers got an opportunity to race in that grand prix because it was an invitational grand prix so only the best racers got invited to that race and I was able to represent my country that time. In 2011 I moved up to higher and much faster class called the Junior Rotax Class. It uses a Rotax 125cc engine that can go up to 140 km/hour. I got so many hard times trying to adapt to the speed. Then I participated in the Asian Karting Open Championship (AKOC) that was held in Sentul. It was my first time racing in the Junior Rotax Class. In the end I managed to take 3rd place in my first ever Junior Rotax race in an international karting championship.

2012 was a very disappointing year in my racing career because I had to stop racing to prepare for my junior high school national exams and. I didn’t race at all that year. I only studied hard at school and home. But in the end it was all worth the risk because I got a great score and also got accepted in SMA Lab School Kebayoran.
In 2013 I moved up to an even higher level of racing. I began racing cars. First time I practiced racing cars, I used my cousin’s race car. It was a Subaru WRX STI. Then my parents allowed me to build my own race car. My first race car was a Daihatsu Charade. I swapped the engine with a much faster one, lighten it, changed its wheels, and many other things to make it a compatible race car. I used my Daihatsu Charade to race for the first time in the Indonesian Series Of Motorsport (ISOM) in Sentul. It was my first ever racing cars and I finished in 4th place. The next race I was much more ready. My car was faster and more stable than before. I managed to take 3rd place in my second car racing career.  Then my parents bought me a new racing car. It was a Honda Accord with a turbo engine in it. But then, yet again I had to stop racing until now because I have to study hard to get great scores each semester so that I can get the SNMPTN, a ticket to get to University without going through registration tests.

Even though I’m not racing now, I will still be preparing to get back to racing someday. I will still be taking care of my race cars every day so that if one day I got an opportunity to race again, I’ll be ready. I won’t quit racing that easily because racing is already a part of my life.    

Muhammad Kalvi Tadjoedin

My name is Muhammad Kalfi Tadjoedin. I was born and raised in Indonesia’s capital city, Jakarta. I grew up an only child who lived in the streets of Menteng Jakarta Pusat since I was a young boy and lived there with my beloved family.

Growing up in Indonesia for the most part of my life has been some what a hell of a ride. Many stories from my years before kindergarden through highschool right now that is fill with precious memories that will remain forever in my heart, like the time I have my first crush on a girl name Tisa in kindergarden!

One of my best year was maybe 2011 when I won the O2SN (Olimpiade Olahraga Siswa Nasional) and blessed to be a part of the Jakarta state team and making history for being the first Jakarta state team to win the O2SN championship. The next year, 2012. I won my first trophy with my basketball club IM (Indonesia Muda) winning the State championship and got the change to represent the Jakarta state team in the KEJURNAS (Kejuaraan Nasional) event at bali and it is regard as one of the biggest basketball championship in Indonesia. And thank god we won it that year!

2013. maybe I can say that 2013 was my down year, I was hit with an ACL (Anterior Cruciet Ligament) injury that kept me out from basketball for almost a year. It was very painful for me psycologicly because I have to do therapy almost everyday to revive my muscles, I can only sat on the bench whenever my team or my school plays, and the most painful part was seeing my team losing on the Nasional  championship game against East Java and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Motivation was the key for me to get back up and try to comeback playing basketball ASAP and Alhamdulilah eventhough my recovery takes a long time but it is damn worthed.

I can say that 2014 is my comeback year the year where I turn the cards around and forget the bad memories of 2013. Jakarta team went strong and went on a mission to beat East Java, we succeeded and became champions again beating them in the final at there home crowd in Surabaya. It was fantastic feeling and and I’m greatful of making J-City proud again. And in that year I was so pumped of the event that i participate such as Skylite (being the cast as Benjamin), Lalinju (being a part of OSIS Batrawala Dargasatya as the Ketua Bidang ll).

And I hope there are still many more stories awaits in the future.

Devina Alviananda

My name is Devina Alviananda. People usually call me Devina, Vina, or Depdep. I was born in Jakarta, on September 11, 1998. I am the first child to my dad, Ardadi, and my mother, Lusi. I have a younger sister who is 2 years younger than me, Tania. I am really close with my family.
            Since i was a baby, my parents took me to Bali. We moved there when I was old enough to board the plane. I grew up in Bali, so I always say that my hometown is Bali. My parents applied me to a nursery, it’s like a grade under kindergarden. The name was Doremi. I was so chubby and cheerful back then. A year later, I went to kindergarden at the same school. Kindergarden was a really fun time. I didn’t have to wake up early in the morning since the school started at 11 am.
 Then, I went to DES elementary school. It was in the same foundation as my nursery and kindergarden. Elementary school was the times when i felt proud the most. I got 1st rank every year in class, my teachers entrust me to join competitions on science and arts. I also got 20 very nice classmates. My school didn’t have many students that my class only had 21 students including me. Elementary school was one of the most precious times i might say, that colours a huge part of my memory.
I graduated from DES in the year 2011. Because of my father’s work, my family moved to Jakarta. It was really saddening, leaving Bali. Luckily, i got over that and moved on with life. I went to 19 Junior High School. Spent 3 years studying there. The first time i went to school, i was really shock. I had never seen bullies and stuff like that. There was no bullying in Bali. Seniors and juniors were all equal. Because of the cultural shock, I didn’t socialize too much in junior high school. It made me a little bit of an introvert.
In 2013, I went to SMA Labschool Kebayoran. I was so happy that i made it into Labschool. I experienced many new things here. MOS, not like the one I experienced in junior high school. This was different, we were told stuff about the school and the method of study so that we can adapt well. After MOS, we were divided into majors. There were science, social, and language. I originally chose science but my tests indicates that I suit in social major more. I was planning to transfer to science major but I was already comfortable with my class, X IIS 1. It took a pretty long time to get along with my classmates, but I did it eventually.
In grade 10 we went through so many activities together. Such as Pilar, Trip Observasi, Bintama, and Lapinsi. My favorite was trip observasi. We went to Cileungsing and stayed there for 5 days with local villagers. It was a really unforgettable experience. After a splendid year with X IIS 1, the class was reorganized. It was a little saddening because we were just getting close not long before final exams.
I am now in grade XI, in the class XI IIS 1. After 2 weeks of school, I and the team Adhigana Dhayapraba went to Poland for a cultural mission. It was super fun and unforgettable. I experienced new things and made new friends. We went to Poland for 3 weeks and when we’re back, tons of homeworks and tests were waiting to be finished before mid semester test. It’s making me a little bit stressed but i think it’s okay, i’ll get through it anyway.

Emily Sakina Azra

              My parents waited for a daughter in a long time. It took 3 sons for a daughter. Then, in 1998 their wish was granted. My mom felt the contraction at dawn, my family then took her straight to Lestari Hospital, a hospital near my home. They waited for hours, but I wasn’t born yet until noon. The doctor was doing the Friday Pray when my mom felt the final contractions. So the one who helped my birth was a midwife, even though my parents paid for the doctor.
             I was named after my dad's college teacher's daughter. He told me that Emily means fulfilled, which means my parents' wish for a daughter was granted or fulfilled. Then, my dad added Sakina Azra in my name. Sakina means peaceful and Azra is an acronym of my grandparents' name. 
             I have three older big brothers. The age distance between us is pretty far, but that doesn't make us distant. I talked about a lot of things with my brothers, such as music, games, books, and sometimes we talked about history and politics. We also like to share things like console games, computer, and novels. My brothers have been teaching me a lot of  things.
              I entered kindergarten at three years old. I spent three years in Ketilang Kindergarten because I wasn’t old enough to entered elementary school. I entered Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pembangunan in 2004. I don’t really remember the time when I was in elementary school. I just remember that my dad told me, “knowledge is more precious than money”. My parents also told me to  respect other believers. Because of that, I always try to tolerate differences. I don't like intolerant people who think that they are always right.
           My big brother attended Labschool Kebayoran High School when I was in 6th grade, and because of that, I wanted to enter the Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School. I did the entrance test a couple months before National Exam. Unfortunately, I didn’t pass. I was really desperate at the time. I only did one entrance test besides Labschool, which was Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pembangunan. I didn’t really want to go there because I wanted to get more experiences in another surroundings. My last hope was to go to the public school. Then, the national exam came up. I did my best and the results announced one month after that. The results was delighting. Fortunately, with my score, I can go to 19 Junior High School, one of the best school in Jakarta. My brother also graduated from there.
              I learned a lot of things in 19 Junior High School. And for the second time in my life, I wanted to enter the Labschool Kebayoran Senior High again. I tried my best to study. I did the entrance test once again and this time, I passed. I feel satisfied that my effort was paid.
              I don’t regret  that I didn’t enter Labschool Kebayoran Junior High. Because somehow, I entered Labschool Kebayoran in another way. From that experience, I learned that the quote “There was a lot of path to Rome” is right.
             I feel grateful that I am a part of Tridasa Adhikari Atmamatra. Labschool had taught me a lot of things from the school programs like MOS, PILAR, LAMPION, TO, and BINTAMA. My favorite one is BINTAMA because I got a lot of new experiences there.

Adryan Dzaki Adhiwangsa

            My name is Adryan Dzaki Adhiwangsa. People usually call me Dzaki. I’m a male. I’m 16 years old. I was born in Permata Hijau Hospital, Jakarta on July 1st 1998. I have a small family. My parents have two children and I’m the first one. My father’s name is Febri and my mother’s name is Erry. I have one sister. Her name is Sofi.
            My family and I live in Ciledug. We used to live in my grandmother’s house. Then, in 2002, when my sister just born, we moved to our new home until now, just next to my grandmother’s house. When I was 4, my parents send me to TK Az-Zahra, just less than 1 km from our house.
            I went to elementary school in 2004, when I was 6 years old. I spent my six years at An-Najah Islamic Elementary School, Jakarta. Those 6 years might be my favourite time in my whole life. A lot of play time, easy school subjects, very kind teachers, theres nothing I want more from those years at elementary school.
            I graduated from elementary school in 2010 with a good UASBN scores. There’s a lot of options for Junior High School around Jakarta. My parents gave me some options of Junior High School that I might wanted to choose. First of all, I tried to sign up for both 11 Junior High School and 19 Junior High School. But, because they both held their tests on the same time, my parents told me to sign up for 19 Junior High School.
            After several days waiting for the test result, it finally released. Unfortunately, I didn’t pass the test. Then, my parents choosed another school near our house, Al-Azhar 10 Islamic Junior High School. After I took the test, finally I got a school. My parents also proud of me because I get good scores in my test.
            I graduated from Al-Azhar 10 Islamic High School in 2013. Before im officially graduated, my parents wanted me to choose for senior high school around Jakarta. First of all, I choosed to take a test at Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School, without any preparations, and just hoping for the best. After waiting for several days, my test result released. I passed the test. A lot of my friends still looking for schools, and I just relaxing after the National Test because I already got my school.
            The school put me to the social majors. But we can choose to take a trial at science major. After 3 months taking the science major, I didn’t really enjoy it. Than I went to the social major and met new friends. Until the eleventh grade, I still studying in here and I really enjoying it.


Gary Abdurrazaq Tamin

My name is Gary Abdurrazaq Tamin, but everybody called me Gary.I'm6 years old now. I was born on 12th of September 1998 and at Pondok Indah Hospital, Jakarta. I have such a great family. My parents have three children, first is my brother, his name was Vito Muhammad Tamin, the second one is me and the last one is my little sister and her name is Cindy Kayla Hanifah Tamin. My father’s name is Yuri Andiko Tamin and my mother’s name is Dian Revita.
            I went to my kindergarden school when I was 4 years old. On that day, it was my first time wearing a school uniform. When I was 6 years old I went to my Elementary School. I spent six years at SD Taruna Bangsa Sentul City. And then my family and I have a vacation together for the first time and we went to our neighbour country and its Malaysia. I really have some fun together with my family on that holidays. And when I was 7 years old, I rode my two wheels bicycle for the first time.
            After I graduate from Taruna Bangsa in 2010, my parents suggest me to went to the Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School because my mother says that it was a good school and my brother was studying on that school too. But I failed on the test so my mother and I searched for another school. And then we found one school that looks good for me and it was Anissa Junior High School. I have a lot of new friends there. And when I was 11 years old, I played skateboard for the first time. And when I’m 12 years old, i have my first skateboarding competition but I didn’t win because I’m on the 7th place.
            There are a lot of exciting memories that i got from the Junior High School. But three years has already passed and now I’m going to search my Senior High School. My first option was Labschool Kebayoran because I want to be on that school so badly. But once again I failed on the test and it’s really breaks my heart. After that I tried another school test in Al-Azhar Pusat 3 Senior High School and finally I succeed, but I’m still felling so disappointed because I failed again on the Labschool Kebayoran test.
            I was already studying in Al-Azhar 3 Senior High School when suddenly the head master of the Labschool Kebayoran called me that I have another chance to be on that school. I was so glad and happy to hear that news. I immediately called my mother, tell the news that i was accepted in Labschool Kebayoran and my mother was so happy to and Immediately went to Labschool to buy the uniform and to cut my hair.

            On my first day at Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School I met a new friends and a new girl that I love the most. Days by days I passed with my friends here at Labschool Kebayoran and have such a great memories that I can’t forget. Me and my friends passed all the exhausting activity such as MOS, PILAR, TO, BINTAMA, LAPINSI, TPO, and LALINJU. And my score on every subject is not really bad and it’s increase each semester. I hope my score will always increase and my great memories still continue till the end. 

Imtinan Nadhim

I was born in Jakarta on the 4th of November, 1998. I was given the name “Imtinan Nadhim Pinandita” by my father. He told me that the name is a mixture of Arabic and Sansekerta language that means “A great leader and a blessing from God the Almighty”. I have 2 older sisters. They are 5 and 3 years older than me. When we were still young, we had a lot of fight over many little problems.
            When I was 2 years old, my family went to Italy for a vacation. However, I had no memories of that vacation, because I was very young back then. I can only recall that vacation from the photos that we took in Italy.
            Years passed and I grew older. I went to playgroup and I began to learn how to interact with other people and making friends. In playgroup, I was known as one of the smallest boy because I don’t like to eat. My mother was very worried about me and she gave me a special milk that increases my eating appetite. Since then, I began to eat a very big amount of meal everyday.
            I graduated from the playgroup a year later. After that, I went to a kindergarten named “Tadika Puri”. I made a lot of friends there. My mother told me that I was the bravest and smartest boy in my class. My family went to Singapore shortly after I graduated from kindergarten.
            I remember the Singapore vacation a little bit because I was already five or six years old at that time. I was so amazed when I saw the Merlion statue and didn’t want to leave, simply because I want to look at it all the time. I went to the Night Safari, too. It is a very amazing zoo because I can see the animals’ activities and behavior at night. But, the part of the journey that I will not forget is when I was lost in a mall in Singapore. I couldn’t speak English and I just cried, hoping that my family will hear it and find me. Luckily, my father found me just in time, when I was about to leave the building.
            After that, I went to elementary school. In the first and second grade, I was the smartest kid and I always got the first ranking. In the third grade, I had my first accident. When I was riding my bicycle around my house, a car hit me. I fell from my bicycle and then I was taken to the nearest hospital. The damage from that crash wasn’t too bad, though. I stayed in the hospital for one night and then the wound healed in no time. Time flew and I graduated from my elementary school.
            Then, I went to Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School. I took the test quite easily because my mother told me to learn hard. My sister has already studied there for two years, and she helped me to adapt in Labschool. In the 7th grade, I was known as one of the funniest. Unfortunately, in the 8th grade my scores fell drastically because I was so busy with school activities, such as BIMENSI. BIMENSI is a Labschool project where you train with the Indonesian Marine Corps for 4 days in their headquarters. My parents were so mad at me. They made me took a lot of additional courses after school. Thankfully, the additional courses helped me  a lot. In the 9th grade, my scores increases and I graduated with a good score.
            Unfortunately, I couldn’t pass the test for Labscool Kebayoran Senior High School. I was disappointed and sad, because it has been my dream since the 8th grade. After that, my family helped me to search for a new school. I was accepted by the 70 Senior High School a month later. I was scared because the 70 Senior High is well known because of their bullying activities to the juniors. My sister tried to cheer me up by telling the positives of the 70 Senior High, because she just graduate from there a year before.
            A day after I completed my registration to the 70 Senior High, my father got a phone call from Mrs. Ulya Latifah, the headmaster of Labschool Kebayoran Senior High. I felt over the moon after I heard that news. The next day, my father and I went to Labschool to meet Mrs. Ulya. After she and my father talked for 5 minutes, my father came out and then he told me that I can enter the Labschool Kebayoran Senior High if I want it. I immediately told him that I want to enter Labschool and then we went to 70 Senior High to cancel my registration.

            I made new friends in the Senior High, and I found no difficulties to adapt because many of my friends from Junior High also studied here. In the 10th grade, I successfully passed all of Labschools’ exhausting event, such as BINTAMA, TO, MOS, and PILAR. My scores were good, especially in the 2nd semester. Hopefully, I can continue my wonderful journey in Labschool Kebayoran Senior High in the years to come.