Kamis, 18 September 2014

Harumi Kendakawangi Puspagina Kusuma Winahyu Dhira Wigata

My name is Harumi Kendakawangi Puspagina Kusuma Winahyu Dhiwi, I was born on 28th September 1998 in Batu City, Malang. The reason why my grandmother gave me this name because she hoped that I live well. I have three brothers and one sister. Their names are Iman Pramesti Jalu, Sukmoro Dhirabrata, Sabdo Aji Kisuma Warih Jalu Sajiwo, Abbiyu Daffa Jalu Yaffi and Ataya Azalia Kusuma Harmani. I am the second child of my mother and my father. I have a beautiful mother name Fibri Utari Istandyah Suharpeni and an amazing father named Imam Sugianto.  We live in bintaro sector 9, South Tangerang. When I was little, my family and I always moved from one town to another because of my father’s work.
My oldest brother was born on 30th august 1996 in Mempawah, Pontianak. He is a very  caring brother for his younger brother and sister, and he is very protective towards us. Like when I was in 4th grade I accidentally broke my leg in the evening I was crying so hard then my brother came out and helped me. He then took me to the hospital immediately. He waited for me in the ICU until my mother and father came. When my younger brother named Daffa was in 1st grade, I accidentally pushed him into the sharped part of the stairs, his head hurted so badly and he has four stitches. I was very sad so I hide from my mother. When my mother took him to the hospital he tell my mother that I was the one who pushed him, when my mother and Daffa arrived home I was called by my mother and I was interrogated by her. It was one of my bad experience of my life.

I entered Nineteen Junior High School and my first friend in there was so annoying, I don’t like my junior high school’s life because they were just so annoying to me. Just because I was a transferred student they act like I was nobody. But when I graduated from junior high school, everybody was looking for me because they took advantaged of me, but I don’t care about them anymore because it was all in the past. Now I entered Labschool Senior High School I met my bestfriend Venia and Emily, they’re so nice to me. When I was sad they’re always there for me, I really loved them so much even though sometimes they act like a beezch I just love them with all my heart.


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