Rabu, 17 September 2014

Gary Abdurrazaq Tamin

My name is Gary Abdurrazaq Tamin, but everybody called me Gary.I'm6 years old now. I was born on 12th of September 1998 and at Pondok Indah Hospital, Jakarta. I have such a great family. My parents have three children, first is my brother, his name was Vito Muhammad Tamin, the second one is me and the last one is my little sister and her name is Cindy Kayla Hanifah Tamin. My father’s name is Yuri Andiko Tamin and my mother’s name is Dian Revita.
            I went to my kindergarden school when I was 4 years old. On that day, it was my first time wearing a school uniform. When I was 6 years old I went to my Elementary School. I spent six years at SD Taruna Bangsa Sentul City. And then my family and I have a vacation together for the first time and we went to our neighbour country and its Malaysia. I really have some fun together with my family on that holidays. And when I was 7 years old, I rode my two wheels bicycle for the first time.
            After I graduate from Taruna Bangsa in 2010, my parents suggest me to went to the Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School because my mother says that it was a good school and my brother was studying on that school too. But I failed on the test so my mother and I searched for another school. And then we found one school that looks good for me and it was Anissa Junior High School. I have a lot of new friends there. And when I was 11 years old, I played skateboard for the first time. And when I’m 12 years old, i have my first skateboarding competition but I didn’t win because I’m on the 7th place.
            There are a lot of exciting memories that i got from the Junior High School. But three years has already passed and now I’m going to search my Senior High School. My first option was Labschool Kebayoran because I want to be on that school so badly. But once again I failed on the test and it’s really breaks my heart. After that I tried another school test in Al-Azhar Pusat 3 Senior High School and finally I succeed, but I’m still felling so disappointed because I failed again on the Labschool Kebayoran test.
            I was already studying in Al-Azhar 3 Senior High School when suddenly the head master of the Labschool Kebayoran called me that I have another chance to be on that school. I was so glad and happy to hear that news. I immediately called my mother, tell the news that i was accepted in Labschool Kebayoran and my mother was so happy to and Immediately went to Labschool to buy the uniform and to cut my hair.

            On my first day at Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School I met a new friends and a new girl that I love the most. Days by days I passed with my friends here at Labschool Kebayoran and have such a great memories that I can’t forget. Me and my friends passed all the exhausting activity such as MOS, PILAR, TO, BINTAMA, LAPINSI, TPO, and LALINJU. And my score on every subject is not really bad and it’s increase each semester. I hope my score will always increase and my great memories still continue till the end. 

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