Selasa, 23 September 2014

Catur Dewana Putra

My name is Catur Dewana Putra. They usually call me Catur, I was born in Palembang 14th of August 1998. I used to live in Palembang. I live in that beautiful city for 15 years. I lived with my family, they are my mother my father and my three older brothers. the first one is Aditya Kertanugraha, he is my naughtiest brother. He always kicks a ball to my face. but he gave me a good life lessons, one of them is not to hurt a women physically. my second brother is Hangga Dwi Kencana, he always care to his brothers. he is the kindest brother. and the last is Triandra Wiratama, I never be good to him. because we fight a lot. but he always protect me when I’m in trouble. for example, theree once a guy that want to hurt me, and Andra came with his big body to protect me. 
my live is very happy, until my parents divorced. my father said that my mom can take all the money they got, but she had to take care of their children. after they got divorced, my father went to Jakarta and live with my grandmother. and then I met my step father. he is actually a kind guy, but sometimes he got angry for mo reason. we went to Hong Kong for new year holiday. it  was the best holiday I ever been to. because its the first time I went to another country for holiday. in 2013 I went to Kusuma Bangsa high school in Palembang. it was the best school in town. one year later i have to move to Jakarta. and I must leave my friends in Palembang, it was so sad that time. we have been together for four years. now i went to Labschool Kebayoran high school, and I met new friends here. I think they will be kind to me, because I love them. I will try to be better than I before in the previous day with a better school.

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