Rabu, 17 September 2014

Siti Danastri Nur Rahma

My name is Siti Danastri Nur Rahma, people usually called me Aci. I was born in 1998 in Jakarta, Indonesia. I had 2 siblings, I was the first one. During my educational years, I went to 4 different schools. First, I spent my pre-Kindergarten year at Keenkids Children Centre. Then, I moved to Al-Azhar Pusat or known with Alpus. I spent my kindergarten and elementary for 9 years there. I used to go ballet during that time, but I stopped ballet because I had to face the elementary national examination. As I graduated from Alpus, I took the Labschool Kebayoran entering test and fortunately I got in. Eventhough, at first I took the Labsky test because I followed my bestfriend who took the test as well. But, too bad she didn’t get in :(

My first year in Labsky was kind of hard for me. Junior high school was a brand new thing for me. Besides, Labsky was a very strict school. Even, at the first day of orientation day (MOS) I decided to move to my previous school because I wasn’t sure am I capable to follow all the rules and life with all those strictness for 3 years or not? I got my answer at the end of 7th grade. I started to enjoy there as I started to be one of the student council. Luckily, I got in and I was being a part of Dasakasatriya Handha Prakasa as the general secretary. The ups and downs in organization tought me lot of things and gave me many life experiences that I’ll never have if I didn’t join that. In the middle term of the organization, my friends and I went to Turkiye for dance festival (misbud). I got so many experiences from that trip, besides I got the chance to know my friends better. A few months later, I got another chance to go to Poland for dance festival, again, with my lovely friends, again. Fortunately, the dance festival was held during the summer holiday. So, we didn’t need to skip school and had the best summer holiday ever. School started, as the time goes by I already in 9th grade. That senior year, the happy year besides every tryout(s) and every exams we did for 9 months. I graduated from Labsky JHS with my 211 friends that I prouldy called with Rexasta Pravoira.

At first, I decided to continue my high school studies at Alpus 1 but then I got the chance to go to Labsky without the academic test. Just the psychologial one. So I chose Labsky, besides  I didn’t need to orientation with new environment again. My first year didn’t feel as hard as I felt in 7th grade. I got into the science class. But then, I moved to social class. Not because I gave up with the hard science subject, but I felt like I was wasting my time if at the end of the day I want to be an accountant. I have no regret at all for moved to social class, i have the best classmate ever. I got another life experiences in high school. There’s a school program called “Trip Observasi” which made me stay in a village for 5 days. And there’s another school program called “BINTAMA”  that forced me to stay at KOPASSUS. Then, I was participating in SKYLITE MUSICALS. I was one of the cast in that musical. I was very grateful for being one of the skylite’s family. The last experience that I can tell in highschool was being the student council again, and fortunately as the general secretary, again. Now I’m in the 11th grade and still struggling to finish my high school studies with a good score. 

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