Rabu, 17 September 2014

Aditya Imansyah Ismawan

Hello my name is Aditya Imansyah Ismawan as you can see the title. Most of my friends call me Adit. I was born in Jakarta,26th of April 1998. I was born in Bunda hospital. My mother’s name is Femmy Nazar and my father’s name is Ismawan Pamudji. They were married in the 6th of July 1997. I have one brother, his name is Farhan Maulana Ismawan he’s in 47 high school located in Tanah Kusir. He was born in 19th of June 2000. I also have one dog called Stanley he’s joining our family in the mid of 2008 so its almost 5 he’s joining our small family.

My hobby is playing the piano and doing some stalking on the aircraft. I really enjoy seeing aircraft on the internet or even real live. I wish I could be a pilot some day or maybe a person that has to travel a lot for his job. I really enjoy playing the piano. For me playing the piano gives a relaxation to my mind. So when ever I was stress full I play the piano.

I go to Fantasia kindergarten and preschool. That is a preschool made by my Grandmother in 1988, 10 years before I was born. It was actually a hair and beauty salon. Because of my grandma really likes children she make that salon to a kindergarten and preschool called Fantasia. I studied there for 4 years.

At 2003 I go for an elementary school. My elementary school is at Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Jakarta. That is located in the Kemang area. My first bestfriend is Nafandra Syabana Lubis. Usually people called him Anaf. My other best friend is Ahmad Farhan Sarasin the call him Farhan. Anaf is really smart at science, math and also language. While Farhan is smart at playing the piano and other instrument while me? I think I’m the dumbest one hahaha. I spent 6 years in Al-Azhar. Well you can say that I’m active. Because I join the PASKIBRA and the music ensemble of my school. Lots of use my team. Starting from the school event until UNESCO event.

At the end of my 6th grade I did a test on SMP Labschool Kebayoran. And thank god I past the test. I go to SMP Labschool Kebayoran for my junior high school. I go to Labschool Kebayoran because its just a 5 minutes walk from my house and I hear it’s has a nice teacher and education. I go there with Anaf while Farhan goes to SMA Karisma Bangsa. I spent 3 years of struggling to get good scores. Because junior high school life is very much different from elementary.

My most struggling part of Junior high school is near the national exam. It was really hard and exhausting. I studied every night get up early sleep late. Personal teacher everyday including Sunday and Saturday. Yeah it’s a tuff year for me. In the 9th grader I do a test for SMA Labschool kebayoran. Lots of things happened in my high school. Including Cultural mission in Katowice Polandia for three weeks. Its an unforgettable trip for me.

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