Rabu, 17 September 2014

Adryan Dzaki Adhiwangsa

            My name is Adryan Dzaki Adhiwangsa. People usually call me Dzaki. I’m a male. I’m 16 years old. I was born in Permata Hijau Hospital, Jakarta on July 1st 1998. I have a small family. My parents have two children and I’m the first one. My father’s name is Febri and my mother’s name is Erry. I have one sister. Her name is Sofi.
            My family and I live in Ciledug. We used to live in my grandmother’s house. Then, in 2002, when my sister just born, we moved to our new home until now, just next to my grandmother’s house. When I was 4, my parents send me to TK Az-Zahra, just less than 1 km from our house.
            I went to elementary school in 2004, when I was 6 years old. I spent my six years at An-Najah Islamic Elementary School, Jakarta. Those 6 years might be my favourite time in my whole life. A lot of play time, easy school subjects, very kind teachers, theres nothing I want more from those years at elementary school.
            I graduated from elementary school in 2010 with a good UASBN scores. There’s a lot of options for Junior High School around Jakarta. My parents gave me some options of Junior High School that I might wanted to choose. First of all, I tried to sign up for both 11 Junior High School and 19 Junior High School. But, because they both held their tests on the same time, my parents told me to sign up for 19 Junior High School.
            After several days waiting for the test result, it finally released. Unfortunately, I didn’t pass the test. Then, my parents choosed another school near our house, Al-Azhar 10 Islamic Junior High School. After I took the test, finally I got a school. My parents also proud of me because I get good scores in my test.
            I graduated from Al-Azhar 10 Islamic High School in 2013. Before im officially graduated, my parents wanted me to choose for senior high school around Jakarta. First of all, I choosed to take a test at Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School, without any preparations, and just hoping for the best. After waiting for several days, my test result released. I passed the test. A lot of my friends still looking for schools, and I just relaxing after the National Test because I already got my school.
            The school put me to the social majors. But we can choose to take a trial at science major. After 3 months taking the science major, I didn’t really enjoy it. Than I went to the social major and met new friends. Until the eleventh grade, I still studying in here and I really enjoying it.


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