Rabu, 17 September 2014

Devina Alviananda

My name is Devina Alviananda. People usually call me Devina, Vina, or Depdep. I was born in Jakarta, on September 11, 1998. I am the first child to my dad, Ardadi, and my mother, Lusi. I have a younger sister who is 2 years younger than me, Tania. I am really close with my family.
            Since i was a baby, my parents took me to Bali. We moved there when I was old enough to board the plane. I grew up in Bali, so I always say that my hometown is Bali. My parents applied me to a nursery, it’s like a grade under kindergarden. The name was Doremi. I was so chubby and cheerful back then. A year later, I went to kindergarden at the same school. Kindergarden was a really fun time. I didn’t have to wake up early in the morning since the school started at 11 am.
 Then, I went to DES elementary school. It was in the same foundation as my nursery and kindergarden. Elementary school was the times when i felt proud the most. I got 1st rank every year in class, my teachers entrust me to join competitions on science and arts. I also got 20 very nice classmates. My school didn’t have many students that my class only had 21 students including me. Elementary school was one of the most precious times i might say, that colours a huge part of my memory.
I graduated from DES in the year 2011. Because of my father’s work, my family moved to Jakarta. It was really saddening, leaving Bali. Luckily, i got over that and moved on with life. I went to 19 Junior High School. Spent 3 years studying there. The first time i went to school, i was really shock. I had never seen bullies and stuff like that. There was no bullying in Bali. Seniors and juniors were all equal. Because of the cultural shock, I didn’t socialize too much in junior high school. It made me a little bit of an introvert.
In 2013, I went to SMA Labschool Kebayoran. I was so happy that i made it into Labschool. I experienced many new things here. MOS, not like the one I experienced in junior high school. This was different, we were told stuff about the school and the method of study so that we can adapt well. After MOS, we were divided into majors. There were science, social, and language. I originally chose science but my tests indicates that I suit in social major more. I was planning to transfer to science major but I was already comfortable with my class, X IIS 1. It took a pretty long time to get along with my classmates, but I did it eventually.
In grade 10 we went through so many activities together. Such as Pilar, Trip Observasi, Bintama, and Lapinsi. My favorite was trip observasi. We went to Cileungsing and stayed there for 5 days with local villagers. It was a really unforgettable experience. After a splendid year with X IIS 1, the class was reorganized. It was a little saddening because we were just getting close not long before final exams.
I am now in grade XI, in the class XI IIS 1. After 2 weeks of school, I and the team Adhigana Dhayapraba went to Poland for a cultural mission. It was super fun and unforgettable. I experienced new things and made new friends. We went to Poland for 3 weeks and when we’re back, tons of homeworks and tests were waiting to be finished before mid semester test. It’s making me a little bit stressed but i think it’s okay, i’ll get through it anyway.

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